Paul Duncan

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel

paul (dot) duncan(at) mail (dot) huji (dot) ac (dot) il

About Me

My research interests involve combining probability, combinatorics and topology. Recently, I have been studying the random cell complexes arising from percolation models and their applications to statistical physics. I completed my PhD at Ohio State in 2022 under the supervision of Matthew Kahle. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, hosted by Gil Kalai and Yuval Peled. My CV can be found here (updated 2/24).


A Sharp Deconfinement Transition for Potts Lattice Gauge Theory in Codimension Two (with Ben Schweinhart), submitted.

Topological Phases in the Plaquette Random-Cluster Model and Potts Lattice Gauge Theory (with Ben Schweinhart), submitted.

Homological percolation on a torus: plaquettes and permutohedra (with Matt Kahle and Ben Schweinhart), to appear in Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques.

Understanding machine‐learned density functionals (with Li, Li, John C. Snyder, Isabelle M. Pelaschier, Jessica Huang, Uma‐Naresh Niranjan, Matthias Rupp, Klaus‐Robert Müller, and Kieron Burke) International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 116(11) (2016):

Pattern avoidance in ascent sequences (with Einar Steingrímsson), The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18(1) (2011).